Submersible Turbine Pump Unit and Its Multi-function Valve Assembly 潜油涡轮泵机组及其多功能阀体总成
Analysis of an Abnormal Joint of Turbine Lubricating Oil Pump 一起汽轮机交流润滑油泵异常联启的原因分析
This article solves some problems of the turbine meter in pump capacity measurement through its working principle, structure, features and installation. 从气体涡轮流量计的工作原理出发,分析了它在人工煤气区域计量应用中存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策。
In order to solve these problems, we design a new steam turbine jack pump oil supply system and supply in integrated form ( with rack). 为了解决这些问题,我公司设计出了一套新型的汽轮机顶轴油供油系统,并以集成式方式(带机架)供货。
The On-line Monitoring and Thermodynamic Calculation of Small Steam Turbine for Feed-water Pump; Energy Conservation Technology Reformation for Turbine Drived Boiler Feed Water Pump in Heat/ Power Co-generation 给水泵小汽轮机的在线监测和热力计算热功联产汽轮机拖动锅炉给水泵节能技术改造
Analysis of problems in application and start up of control system of steam turbine for feedwater pump 给水泵汽轮机控制系统应用及启动中的问题分析
The boiler, the steam turbine and the pump work in rated capacity, thus all getting the highest electric generation efficiency. 锅炉、汽轮机都可以满负荷工作,得到最高的热效率。
Real Cause of Adjustable Port Anomaly Swing at Turbine Driven Pump of No.4 Unit in Zhangjiakou Power Plant 张电4号机汽动泵调门异常摆动原因剖析
These methods can be also used in the design of the Francis turbine and centrifugal pump. 文中所述方法不仅适用于混流可逆式水力机械,对于混流式水轮机和离心泵也同样适用。
The Measuring Method of Efficiency for Steam Turbine Driving Feedwater Pump 驱动给水泵用汽轮机效率的测量方法
Leakage calculation of turbine oil pump 电厂汽轮油泵泄漏量计算
By comparing the characteristics of submersible pump and vertical lineshaft turbine pump, comments are introduced on the selection and application of sea water lift pump and fire water pump. 通过对潜水泵与深井泵各方面特点的比较,提出海洋平台在海水泵和消防泵的使用方面的一些看法。
Experimental research on hydraulic turbine state of pump device model for Jiangdu Third Pumping Station 江都三站水泵装置水轮机工况模型试验研究
A quasi dynamical mathematical method of fault simulation and a diagnosis algorithm based on Grey Relational Analysis are given for a liquid rocket engine ( LRE) system with series double turbine pump feed structure. 给出串联双涡轮结构以泵作为供应系统的液体火箭发动机系统故障仿真的准动态数学方法和基于灰色关联度分析的实时诊断算法。
Based on experimental data, dynamic torques of turbine and pump are shown as algebraic equations, and dynamic torsional damping of the hydraulic torque converter is estimated. 根据液力变矩器的试验结果,得到了液力变矩器的涡轮和泵轮的动态扭矩,在此基础上,估计了液力变矩器的动态扭转阻尼。
Erosion analysis of turbine pump parts 涡轮泵零组件的冲蚀分析
The analysis of the characteristics of water turbine pump and probe the way to increase it's efficiency 水轮泵特性曲线分析和提高水轮泵工作效率的探讨
The conical metal honeycomb sealing structure is investigated by the tests according to the material, structure and working environment of the engine turbine pump. 根据某发动机涡轮泵材料和结构特点及其工作环境,对圆锥形金属蜂窝封严结构进行了试验研究。
Fracture analysis of steam turbine oil pump shaft 汽轮机主油泵轴断裂分析
Design of Flow-Visualization Image Analytic System for the Water Turbine of Pump 水泵水轮机流动可视化图像解析系统的设计
Taking the turbine pump digital assembly process planning system developed for a factory by the author as example, the architecture of the system is presented, an integrated assembly model is erected, and key technologies involved in the system are studied. 以作者为某工厂开发的涡轮泵三维数字化装配工艺系统为例,规划了系统的体系结构,建立了集成化的装配模型,并研究了系统实现中的关键技术。
Studying and Development of Performance Monitoring for the Steam Turbine Powered Feedwater Pump 汽动给水泵状态监测系统的研究与实现
Sealing Material Used in Turbine Pump of Liquid Oxygen/ Kerosene Rocket Engine 液氧/煤油发动机涡轮泵密封材料的研制
The dynamic properties of surface pitting of the turbine pump metal parts of certain rocket engine and the properties of local damage and deformation of the nonmetal parts of the pump were investigated by means of optical microscope and electron microscope. 运用光学显微镜和电子显微镜的实验手段,研究了某火箭发动机涡轮泵零组件表面麻坑的各种动态特征和非金属零件局部缺损及变形的特点。
Improved Design of a Marine Steam Turbine Circulating Pump 船用汽轮循环泵的改进设计
Test and Study on a Current Turbine Pump 水流式水轮泵的试验研究
The viscosity, dope and flow coating process were optimized by means of theoretical analysis on flow coating technics at the sect of elevated-temperature of the turbine pump wall and a flow coating technics satisfied to quality requirements were obtained. 通过对涡轮球壳高温段涂层的流涂过程的理论分析,对涂料的粘度、添加剂、流涂工艺的控制进行了优化,获得了满足涂层质量要求的流涂工艺。
Manufacturing of High Speed Gears for Rocket Engine Turbine Pump 火箭发动机涡轮泵高速齿轮的制造
The advanced aerospace launch confidential demand the turbopump has the high efficiency, the light quality and the small size. The bearings, a key part of the turbine pump, the quality of whose work function is an important factor affecting the turbine pump life span. 先进的航天发动机要求涡轮泵效率高、质量轻和尺寸小,而轴承作为涡轮泵的重要部件之一,其工作性能的好坏则是影响涡轮泵寿命的重要因素。